Program Description: INTERNAT. CONTROLS LIBRARY V 1.1 - Time, Date, Number and Currency formatted controls; the formatting rules are read from the control panel setup. The date control is 'multilingual' (answer in various language) and 'smart' (accept partial entries as W: this week Wednesday or F 4: the forth of February); the date control includes a monthly calendar. Windows Programming Operating System: WINDOWS VGA Required: NO Mouse Required: NO Support: Address: PO.BOX 10893 22022/970 COPACABANA RIO-DE-JANEIRO BRAZIL Phone: +55 21 256-2464 FAX: +55 21 256-2464 Internet: Program Name: INTERNATIONALISATION CONTROL LIBRARY Program Classification: Shareware Installation Program required Y/N: YES Installation Directory: INTERNAT Run File: SETUP.EXE Total Number of files: 37 Total size of all files: 304KB CD Disk #: U2 Author Details: SEE ABOVE